Secretly Unstable

I have been told I am crazy, funny, a good cook, and a decent blogger. These are the expectations I am trying to live up to. Thank you.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Crazy is as crazy does.

We all live in our own little worlds. Within our little world everything seems normal. We don't realize that we are unordinary or extraordinary until we compare ourselves to others or until someone else is kind enough to point out the differences. I never thought I was crazy until I took a hard look at myself and had people actually tell me I was crazy. Go figure. I am crazy.

I thought everyone:
- Talked in the voice of their bulldog out loud and to anyone who would listen
- Pretended they were being filmed for their own cooking show when in the kitchen
- Laughed at everything, really really loud
- Had races with other people on the sidewalk, unknown to the stranger you are racing against
- Got really mad when people are late for dinner reservations
- Stalked elementary school classmates online
- Made a joke out of everything
- Enjoyed being a nerd

These are only the things that make me crazy that I am aware of. I am sure there are many other things that make me crazy that I haven't noticed about myself yet. I really don't mind being thought of as crazy. I would rather be crazy than boring.

The scary thing is that I am sure that I am only going to get crazier with age. I am on the young part of the age spectrum, so I imagine that by the time am 60 I will be yelling on the sidewalk about my pantyhose and the mayor. The good thing is that I probably won't care about being considered crazy then either. Yes, something to look forward to. "Goddamn pantyhose always falling down and this stinkin' mayor and his laws about dancing on tables!"


  • At 8:35 AM, Blogger *Bitch Cakes* said…

    Alaina, I relate to you a lot. I also live in my own little world and am often jolted out of it momentarily when I realize I do things that others don't. But I consider us "fun" crazy. Not dangerous crazy, or even scary crazy (well I've been scary crazy on occasion, but that's neither here nor there). I think we'll settle into old & crazy pretty nicely.


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