Secretly Unstable

I have been told I am crazy, funny, a good cook, and a decent blogger. These are the expectations I am trying to live up to. Thank you.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Ruby Humor

Ruby has proven to be just as funny as her Mommy and Daddy, which as you know is pretty damn funny. She is smack in the middle of her terrible twos, and I love it because she is just as funny as she is terrible. Her language development is taking it to a whole other level, and I find what makes her laugh to be hilarious. The girl knows funny.

Funny quote:
After a trip to the Prospect Park Zoo Derek asked: "Ruby what was your favorite animal?"
Ruby: "Pig. OINK. OINK."
Now, there aren't any pigs at the zoo, so Derek inquired further, "I know you like to eat pig, but what is your favorite animal not to eat?"
Ruby: "Horse."

Funny & Terrifying quote:
During a 2AM melt down, I gave up and Derek took over, and said, "Ruby calm down" very nicely.
Derek: "You are such a woman"

Funny observations involving Sweetpea:
While Sweetpea was drinking water, Ruby: "Sweetpea kiss water"
While Sweetpea is getting a bath, Ruby: "Sweetpea naked"

Breakfast food request:
Ruby at 7AM: "my body"
Alaina: "What about your body?"
Ruby: "hungry"
Alaina: "What do you want to eat?"
Ruby: "French fries, donut, chicken"

What cracks Ruby up:
- Sneaking up on me lifting my tshirt and poking me in the belly button
- Burping
- Sweetpea chasing the flashlight beam
- Jumping on Derek's stomach after dinner


  • At 2:14 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I love Ruby stories! Keep them coming.... it makes me feel like I am there with little Miss Silly :)


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