Secretly Unstable

I have been told I am crazy, funny, a good cook, and a decent blogger. These are the expectations I am trying to live up to. Thank you.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Highly Recommended

If you have a random weekday off and nothing better to do, I highly recommend the following activity: ALL DAY MOVIE MARATHON!

I have some vacation days to use up so I took today off. Unfortunately Derek had to work. So it was just me trying to decide if I should stay home and bother Sweetpea or spend the day doing my favorite day killer, an all day movie marathon.

Here is how it works.
1. You have to take a random day off. This doesn't work on holidays or weekends.
2. Go to and plan out your day at the movies. Its best to strategize which movies and what is the best combination of start times. In an eight hour period you can get 4 full movies in. (Note: The length of the movies noted INCLUDES previews.) If you are in NYC I recommend the AMC on 42nd Street. (If you go on a Friday shows before noon are $6.)
3. Highlight and note the movies and their start times. Also keep in mind what your alternatives would be. Be mindful of the movies and the order you are watching them in. You don't want to go from a 2 1/2 hour thinker to a 3 hour drama. I enjoy having a light hearted comedy every other movie.
4. Pack a lunch. One cannot live on popcorn and diet coke alone. Make sure its "quiet food," like a sandwich and a banana. Bananas are quiet.
5. Get to the movie theater about 20 minutes early so you will have time to figure out approximately which theater you will need to get to for your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th movies.
6. Pay for your first show and get a large popcorn. Most theaters offer refills on large size, and you have a long day ahead of you.
7. Enjoy movie 1.
8. Theater hop to your remaining movies. Here are my theater hopping tips:
- They really don't care that you are theater hopping, so don't act like you are doing anything wrong.
- Avoid elevators at all costs. Sometimes there is a dude in there taking tickets. Use escalators whenever possible.
- Watch out for exit only paths. Once you are out, you aren't getting back in.
- Note if one of the movies you want to watch are in multiple screens. This can make staking out which theaters you need to get to difficult.
- Don't go with more than two people. Going alone is good, but you won't have anyone to hold your popcorn when you go to the bathroom.
- You can risk letting movies overlap by 15 minutes to account for previews. 10 minutes if its an independent film.
- Use your refills. Large popcorns and large sodas get refilled.
- Since you are seeing 4 movies for the price of one, buy some candy and bottled water. Helps with the guilt.
- Be careful carrying around half empty bags of popcorn into theaters, it is a dead give away. Store it in a large bag or purse.

Today, Sarah and I saw 4 movies. It was awesome. We saw Marie Antionette at 11:55, Little Miss Sunshine at 1:35, The Prestige at 3:45, and Jackass Number 2 at 6:40. We ate 1 1/2 bags of popcorn, Kit Kat Bites, Twizzlers, and my homemade ham and soy cheese sandwiches. It was a great day!

December 15th is my next random day off. See you at the movies!


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