Secretly Unstable

I have been told I am crazy, funny, a good cook, and a decent blogger. These are the expectations I am trying to live up to. Thank you.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Functioning at 70%

I pride myself on being a very organized, sharp, and efficient person. My brain is always going. Going, going, going. It never stops. Always thinking. Looking at things and figuring out how to do them faster and better. After these last two weeks, I am functioning at 70%.

You may have noticed, that I haven't posted a blog in a while. Normally I post after work, unfornately in the past two weeks there has been no "after work." I have been working 14 hours a day. Its been mad. Work is always busy, but this is the first time that I have felt burned out. I get to work at 7:30AM, and I don't leave until 9:30PM. And all day long its just go, go, go.

I got put on another account, Burt's Bees, and I basically did a month's worth of work in a week and a half. All of that on top of my usual helping of the NBA, Town Sports, and Twinings Tea. All of this work has gotten to me. My brain is now working at 70%. Case in point:

1.Yesterday, I gave our Account Team 5 WRONG budget numbers. It was pathetic. I kept having to call them back and be like, "I swear these are the right numbers.
2. Today I walked into my boss's office with my presentation. Look at the packed of papers, and thought to myself, "I have to get my presentation." I proceed to walk back to my desk and when I got to my desk I was like, "that was my deck."
3. Today I forgot my keys. On my way to Derek's office to get his keys I took the subway in the wrong direction.
4. Tonight at dinner I wanted to have water, and when the waitress asked me what I wanted I said, "I'll just have WINE for now. NO WAIT, WATER." She thinks I am a lush.

Thank god for the long weekend. I think I should have enough time to recover and get my brain back to at least 100%. (Please forgive all of the possible typos in this blog, its hard to blog at 70%.)


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