Secretly Unstable

I have been told I am crazy, funny, a good cook, and a decent blogger. These are the expectations I am trying to live up to. Thank you.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Wanna piss me off?

If you want to piss me off this is what you should do: Take your dog and tie your dog outside of a store/restaurant/etc and leave your dog there while you go about your business. Nothing pisses me off more than the assholes that multitask with their dogs. I am all for multitasking, I hardly only do one thing at a time. (Right not I am watching Battlestar Gallactica and writing this blog.) But when I am walking Sweetpea I am walking Sweetpea.

Recent "pieces of garbage" that I have seen doing this to their dogs have lead me to the conclusion that not only to they not care about their dogs, they are irresponsible retards. Case in point: Two weeks ago a dog was tied outside of Associated grocery store to the rack that keeps the shopping carts. Everytime someone grabbed a cart the poor dog was scared and tried to get away with its tail between its leg. The dog was outside for at least 15 minutes, while the dumb selfish owner did her grocery shopping. So not only was the poor dog having an anxiety attack for being left outside, it was frightened everytime someone put back or took a shopping cart. Another fine example of an inconsiderated twit was the man and his two kids that dined in a local restaurant for 45+ minutes while their dog was tied to scaffolding. This dog was tied up so tight he couldn't even lay down.

Why do people do this? Do they think their dogs enjoy the fresh air? Do they pat themselves on the back for "killing two birds with one stone." Life is busy I know, but when you chose to have a dog you chose to make your life more complicated. Why don't people understand that they are leaving their beloved pets defenseless and anxiety ridden. How would these people like it if I tied them to a cactus in the middle of the desert and told them that I "might" be back?

Now, I am not one of those people that think my dog is the "same" as someone else's kid. I understand that my dog is a dog. But I also understand that my dog is my responsibility, and as my responsibility I have to keep my eye on her at all times when out in public. This protects her and me. What if a dog that was tied up bit a kid that walked over to it? What would happen is that the dog would be killed. Or what would happen if that dog was attacked by another dog? Or attacked another dog? Not to mention the fact that people steal dogs that are left unattended. And they don't steal them to be family pets. They steal them to fight other dogs and be bait for fighting dogs.

Its just irresponsible to leave your dog tied up outside while you run and errand, or get a coffee. And the people who do that deserve whatever misfortune falls upon them, unfortunately their dogs do not.


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