Secretly Unstable

I have been told I am crazy, funny, a good cook, and a decent blogger. These are the expectations I am trying to live up to. Thank you.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Living in a big old house has advantages and disadvantages. The heating bill is ridiculous and it is only out done by the mortgage. I hate cleaning rooms that I really have no use for, and the outdoor areas of our property are a disgrace because we have no time to focus on them. One advantage is that we have a ton of space for our stuff, and now we have a ton of space for Ruby's stuff.

Ruby is 10lbs now. She hardly takes up any room herself. She is very compact and travels well. It is all of the stuff that comes with baby that takes up so much damn room. So far everything that we have opened up for her is bigger than I expected and takes up more room than I thought it would. In all honesty most of the baby gear is unnecessary. But as a new expectant Mom I thought that we would need everything. I was wrong. All of this stuff is nice to have, but there are really only a few key items that we really couldn't live without for the past 9 weeks that Ruby has been with us. Beyond Derek, diapers, and breastmilk here are the items that I really need.

The Boppy
It is a horseshoe shaped pillow that has multiple uses. Its main function is a breastfeeding pillow. You sit down, place it around your waist, and it supports the baby and helps bring the baby to the boob. You can also prop the baby up in it so she is elevated. Ruby likes to sleep in it and she will even stay quietly awake in it for about 15 minutes. (15 minutes is like 2 hours in baby time.) I carry the Boppy with me wherever I am in the house. We will also bring it with us wherever we go. That is the sign of a good product.

Baby Wrap
When I first opened the package to this baby wrap and saw that it came with a DVD instruction video I was instantly turned off. At the time I was overwhelmed by everything, so I couldn't imaging learning how to use this baby wrap. But just this past week or so I decided to learn how to use it and it was much easier than I expected it to be. I can wear Ruby all day long in the wrap and she is so happy. And by happy I mean she sleeps in it and doesn't cry. I can do things around the house and we even might venture outside with it.

There are so many options for baby skin care. Babies have so many skin issues, and you can go a number of ways with all of the options. But Aquaphor rocks. Not many products are good for your butt and your face, but Aquaphor works awesome on dry and irritated skin and on preventing diaper rash.

Waterproof pads
Gerber makes these awesome waterproof pads. We use them on anything that Ruby lays down on. It is way easier to change out one of these pads then it is to change the entire sheet or changing pad. We tell Ruby not to be offended when we slip a pad under her, all babies leak.

Pack and Play
AKA fancy playpen. This is one of the items that is much bigger than that thought it was going to be. But it is completely fuctional and worth every inch of space it takes up. If we still lived in a one-bedroom apartment this is all we would need. It is a great changing table that wipes clean. It has compartments that hold diapers, wipes, and everything else you need. It has an elevated bassinet for infants. And it vibrates to calm baby, plays music/nature sounds, has a light, and a canopy with a mobile. When ruby gets bigger it converts into a traditional playpen. Worth every penny. You don't need any other piece of baby orientated furniture.

Hand pump
I have the big ole machine pump that makes you feel like a milking cow. The electric pump is fast and you can do both boobs at once. But I actually think the hand pump is more practical. You can bring it with you anywhere you go. And I can have Ruby in my lap and use the hand pump if I need to. It is also less machine like and I feel less like Bessy the prize milk cow.

Bouncey Chair
We are lucky enough to have gotten the one we registered from plus two other hand me down ones. This way Ruby will stay happy enough in one to let us cook dinner, eat dinner, take a shower, and go to the bathroom. (One per session.) She might even last long enough for me to fold all of her baby laundry. (You can't imagine how much clothes we go through. Most outfits are ruined due to our amateur mistakes, we are getting better.)


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