Secretly Unstable

I have been told I am crazy, funny, a good cook, and a decent blogger. These are the expectations I am trying to live up to. Thank you.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Prove It

Why have mosques become so contraversial? They are places of worship. Like churches, synaguoes, temples, etc. Prove one instance of a mosque in America promoting violence and terrorism and I will eat my words and get on the picket line with these fools. Prove that a mosque in America is recruiting terrorists, or training terrorists, or is in fact causing any harm to the communities that they are established in. Such a case does not exist, because it is not happening.

When did it become ok in this country, founded on the concept of freedom of religion to restrict where someone can worship? After 9/11? Well not right after, right after we appeared to be a country unified. Why in 2010 are we seeing protests across this country where mosques are set to be built or expanded? Are people looking to blame their troubles on our 21st century bad guy Muslim?

At the end of the day I think that what it comes down to is that our society has made it acceptable to hate and discrimate against Muslim people. Plenty, I even dare to stay the majority, of people in this country are racist to a certain degree. But society frowns upon n-words, Asian jokes, Jewish stereotypes - you know your basic racism 101. So most people save those feelings for private conversations. In the past couple of years it has become fine to associate Muslims with terrorists, and therefore it is fine to hate an entire religion. So that means we can stand up in line with signs of protest the building of a mosque.

This country has to be reminded that face of terrorism is not solely a Muslim face. England consider American Revolutionaries terrorists. In modern times the Irish blew up each other. Even in this country, Timothy McVeigh was the face of terrorism when he killed hundreds in Oklahoma City. 9/11 will forever remain, for me, the biggest tragedy that I have lived through. But Muslims, Jews, Hindi, Christians, Atheists.... were all murdered that day. The Muslim religion did not cause 9/11. Fanaticism and hate did.

I would hope that this country and the people protesting the building and expansion of mosques throughout the US wake up and realize that by not allowing people to worship freely they are the ones that are killing this country. They are the one stomping and kicking aside what makes this Nation great. They are taking away our freedoms and giving into the fear - and in the end that is how the terrorists, no matter what color they are, win.


  • At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mosques at Ground Zero?! How many Christian churches OR any others places of worship, do you know of in most of the Muslim Nations?

  • At 12:43 PM, Blogger Alaina said…

    The difference is that in this country we have this little thing called "freedom of religion." We have mosques, churches, temples- we have everything.

    Besides, the proposed mosque is not "at Ground Zero." It is blocks away, and in NYC two blocks is a big difference. There are X-rated video stores closer.

  • At 12:09 PM, Blogger -blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said…

    Indelible, precocious girl. You're funny. I used to think exactly like you do: the WHOR-izontal psycosis where everything's a battle, everything's a roller-coaster ride at Staten EYE-land as we keep look'n at the world which'll #@!!-U.S. in the arse if we ain't too carefull. WISEABOVE, precious-girly-who's-so-loved-by-God; go beyond the whorizon, miss gorgeous, to see the Great Beyond. Meet me in Heaven, gorgeous. We’ll have fun. A whooole lotta fun. God bless you. Love you. PS Lookit ‘sexponential’ first.


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