Secretly Unstable

I have been told I am crazy, funny, a good cook, and a decent blogger. These are the expectations I am trying to live up to. Thank you.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

When I started writing this blog I realized that "Life in New York" will need multiple "Parts." I couldn't possibly write everything about life in New York in one blog. I would definitely lose my job for goofing off if I attempted that. So like my "food education" blogs, this one will have multiple parts.

Part 1 will be devoted to that taboo subject of money. Normally I wouldn't "talk" about such things so openly, but in its relationship to New York life I think its an appropriate subject.

I have said this time and time again: Living in New York City you never get ahead. You strive to break even. Its a big deal if you can manage to save a little money here and there. Maybe $100 a month, maybe $200 month... but the savings doesn't really matter... because you know what happens as soon as you have something saved for a "rainy day?" Your car gets towed. You break your leg and don't have medical insurance. You find out that you roommate is kicking you out and you have to move. You lose your wallet that contains the cash version of your weekly paycheck. ETC. ETC. ETC. The bottomline is that we are all going paycheck to paycheck. Every month the 15th and the 1st can't come fast enough. (And can I get an AMEN for the times the 15th and the 1st fall on a Sunday and for the entire month of February?)

One of the reasons why we are all screwed and living paycheck to paycheck is due to the cost of living in New York. I know someone is going to say, "well you make more money in New York." And you know what I say to that, "Bullshit." Whatever money I may make more than my fellow man living in Nebraska, the cost of living is not comparable. For example a 1st yr teacher in Nebraska makes $26,000 and has a two bedroom that she pays $900 per month for. A 1st yr teacher in New York City makes $34,000 and her two bedroom (in a shitty neighborhood) costs $1600 per month. If we really make enough money to cover the cost of living that teacher would make $46,000 or she would only pay $1170 in rent. No matter how you look at it, I don't want to hear "well you make more money in New York" ever again. The cost of living in New York is crazy, and I am sure I can write another blog about the reasons why I think the cost of living is so ridiculous, but that is for another time.

Beyond the cost of living that is associated with the basics (shelter, food, etc) there is the exterior crap that we all get bogged down in. There's the entertainment factors. Movies cost $10.50 a ticket, and there is no half price the first show in Manhattan. Your friend from Nebraska visits and they want to go to the trendy spot where the drinks are $15. You are invited to 3 weddings in the next two months, and in New York we give cold hard cash. You stay out too late and don't want to ride the train so you take a taxi. You girlfriends want to brunch, every weekend. You pay for a gym membership because you don't have the room in your studio apartment for weights and treadmill. There's a sample sale and you get caught up in the frenzy. You have to rent a weekend house for the winter to snowboard. The list is endless. Sure they all don't apply to everyone, but they are New York specific problems. And they suck. I always say that if I lived in Kauai I would get rid of the fancy handbags and shoes. I would have one wardrobe, a MuMu.... because I don't have to get dressed up to scoop ice cream all day.

I definitely get caught up in the bullshit. I must try this restaurant. I must buy these shoes. I must, I must, I must. But at the end of the day people in other places are doing the same types of things, but they don't live on the edge! New York pushes us all to the edge. No matter what your job, no matter how much you make, we all have worries.

(Now I am sure there are rich people in New York, who can spend spend spend, but I don't know anyone like, that so their lives don't matter.)

I love this town. And for now I can't picture myself any place else. I like my lifestyle. I am also very fortunate to have a good job and get payed a decent salary. But something has got to give in this city. How much more can I person be asked to pay for a 600 sq foot apartment? How much more can I pay when the car gets towed?

For now I will just look forward to the 15th... 8 days and counting.

Who wants to go to brunch on Sunday, I heard of this new spot and I will get to wear the trendy new sandals I just got!.........wink.


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