Secretly Unstable

I have been told I am crazy, funny, a good cook, and a decent blogger. These are the expectations I am trying to live up to. Thank you.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Dreaded

You know how I feel about food. I eat food. I talk about food. I cook food. I blog food. I heart food. Not in an obsessive way. In a loving way. I appreciate food. Its a source of much happiness.

I am here today to blog about the most dreaded part about food. It makes me unhealthy. Due to this side effect, I must "diet." Not to get skinny (although being "less fat," since I will never be skinny, is a nice bonus). But to stay healthy. Genetics dealt me a raw hand when it comes to the chemistry inside of me. Heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure. It sucks my butt. (and makes it big.)

So here I am, on day 4 of my "new leaf." (Leaf = lifestyle and lettuce.) I am not on a particular diet, and I am not torturing myself, aka starvation. But I am taking into count everything I put in my mouth. I write it all down to keep me honest. Its not an easy task. I am also making better choices, trying to cook more at home, and I am skipping the afternoon sweet/salty cravings. And GODDAMN its hard.

Food is just so much fun. Fun=Food. Food=Fun.

My ties to food and happiness run deep. Recently while hanging out with my 1st nanny, Joyce and her baby, I notice Joyce giving the baby a cookie when she was crying. I said to Joyce, "Did you do that to me? Cause I am having issues now." Yes. Cookies stop me from crying. Maybe not actual tears, but figuritive tears. Ask anyone who has delayed me eating about "Hungry Alaina" and they will confirm what a bitch I am when hungry. Derek is a pro at this. As Derek says, "I give you something to eat, and watch the transformation." That funny thin husband of mine, who I love. My Dad is guilty of planting my love of food in me at a young age. When I was a little girl my Dad worked nights bartending. He used to pick me and my brother up from school. Everyday, and I mean EVERYDAY, I got a chocolate on a stick and my brother got a Matchbox car. And guess what? My skinny brother LOVES cars and I love chocolate. Nice.

Now I would rather be how I am, then be one of yous people who are afraid of food. You know who you are! You look at it. You smell it. You touch it with your dirty fingers. You might even eat it. But after you do, you sit there and worry about what that cookie is going to do to your delicate figure. You freak out about a little indulgence here and there. Life is too short.

Oh well. Such is life. As Derek says, "you don't get dealt all of the cards." I have a kick ass husband, a cool dog, my family rocks, I have a good job, a nice apartment, and the best friends a girl can ask for. Sometimes I think life is too good, and that there is "boogie man" around the corner waiting to ruin it all. Then I remember, "oh yeah----- still fat." All is right in the world.

Restaurant week is coming up (7/10-7/14 & 7/17-7/21)...... Who wants to get happy with me???

(This weekend Jana & Vinny's BBQ is going to be a source of happiness. I am making california rolls! They are the only people who I can honestly say out do Derek and I in the food department when it comes to hosting a party. Outstanding.)


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