Secretly Unstable

I have been told I am crazy, funny, a good cook, and a decent blogger. These are the expectations I am trying to live up to. Thank you.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Pure Comedy

This blog is way overdue. So overdue, in fact, that I had to look back and make sure that I didn't write this already.

Farting. To me its pure comedy. I am a "laugher," and its easy to make me laugh, but when it comes to farting I crack up every single time. I laugh at fart stories, I laugh when others fart, I laugh when I fart, and I definitely laugh when Sweetpea farts. It cracks me up! I even laugh when I think about a farting incident that happened months ago. It never gets old. Case in point:

Last Christmas season, two of our favorite friends, Justine and Greg had their yearly tree trimming party. Its always a lovely get together and we were trimming the tree going through all of the pretty ornaments. We were all gathered around the tree, it was really normal and nice of all of us. Then one of their guests (the guilty shall remain nameless) says, "Shhhh everyone, did you hear that?" Then he farts. Loud. On Purpose. Of course I busted out laughing. And wasn't the only one. It was a great laugh. 15 minutes after the incident I turned to Janina and said, "I am still laughing about the fart." It was true. I was still laughing on the inside. In fact, I am still laughing about it 6 months later.

Farting is funny for a number of reasons. First off it makes a noise. Noises are funny. And fart noises are usually a surprise. Second, they stink. Now maybe the stink is a reason why farts may not be funny at all, but its quite the opposite. The gross stink creates a reaction that is funny. People make faces. People leave the room. People sometimes even get mad. Third, people "jazz" up there farts is various ways that makes the noise and the stink even funnier. Some people put a little leg lift into it. Some people do a fart fist punch or a fart crank. Some people throw up some finger guns. And of course there is the classic, "Pull my finger." And the main reason why farting is funny is because it's taboo. We aren't supposed to fart in front of people. So its either an accident or its an intentional dirty act. Either way it makes me laugh.

Fart stories are awesome. Many of you have shared your own stories with me, and you know how much they make me laugh. You can even re-tell a story to me that I have heard multiple times before and I will still crack up. For example, the following story has been told over and over again for the past 4 years, it never gets old. I believe Myfanwi told this story originally:

While on a crowded subway, a stink moved throughout the car. A poised gay man sat next to a large woman, and gave her the eye like she was guilty of dropping the bomb. The woman promptly turned to him and said, "You better don't! I saw you lean!"

Its a classic story that never gets old. "You better don't!" How freaking great is that!?

Here's the interactive part about this blog. Since we can all use more laugher in our lives I would like you all to post below with your own fart stories. You could be the farter, or you could have witnessed the fart, either way its funny, so post it! I know you all have stories, and I am sure I have heard some of them already, but even if they are repeats I will still laugh. Pass this along to friends and have them post their fart tales.

Farting = Pure Comedy


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