Secretly Unstable

I have been told I am crazy, funny, a good cook, and a decent blogger. These are the expectations I am trying to live up to. Thank you.

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Search Over

Every time I go to a good Mexican restaurant it happens. I sit down to eat a wonderful meal filled with all of my favorite things about eating: cheese, beans, food wrapped in something (burrito, taco), dipping, spicy, and booze. Mexican food is all of these things. And at every good Mexican restaurant I experience some kind of really good green salsa. Even stinkin Chipotle has a decent green/verde salsa. But as soon as you go to the store to buy some green salsa you are left disappointed.

Something just doesn't package right about green salsa. I feel like I have tried them all. One disappointment after the other. What a waste of time, what a waste of money.

So finally I decided that I had to make my own. It turned out to be really easy, cheap, and tasted better than anything in the jar.

First I roasted the tomitillos, jalapenos, onions, and garlic in the oven, under the broiler for a little bit. Then I let them cool and puree it all in the blender. Added some salt, and there you have it.

Now it may not be better than some of the restaurant stuff. But it beats the jar stuff anyday!


  • At 10:58 AM, Blogger Jana said…

    Looks yummy! I might have to try this someday. I make the regular red kind in summer all the time, when the tomatoes are good.


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