Secretly Unstable

I have been told I am crazy, funny, a good cook, and a decent blogger. These are the expectations I am trying to live up to. Thank you.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Politics, not usually for me....

I usually reserve blogsphere for ranting about food, commuting, motherhood, and television. But recent events have sent me over the edge and on search for a soap box. Apparently soap boxes are a thing of the past, so thankfully we have blogs.

The Nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court
Rant start: Yes it is wonderful that she is a Hispanic female that is self made. But it is also wonderful that she has more experience than anyone else on the Supreme Court today. Republicans are trying to poke holes into her story, trying to kill her chance, taking things out of content and focusing on sound bytes that meet their own agendas. Republicans need to do this because their position on most things are based on the following: greed, religion, and racism. Three things that shouldn't be a part of our government. Sotomayor is a strong candidate for the Supreme Court, maybe the strongest in recent history. It would be a shame if she was blocked.

Republicans: Greed, Religion, and Racism
After I wrote the above I figure it was worth a bit more explanation. Rant start: Everything that frustrates me about the Republican party and the people that consider themselves a part of it stems from greed, religion, and racism.

Greed is based in their position on "small government" and "less" taxes. I am not a communist, but I support my government taxing me to fund programs that support the country. Support can be defined as protection, education, healthcare, economy, even things like giving people home and food. I believe in welfare support. I believe that a society should be based on the lesser of its members. Yes, people abuse welfare. But I would rather 100 people abuse welfare than a child be homeless and hungry. You can't take your cash with you, might as well elevate all citizens than sit on a pile of cash.

Religion is always behind the excuse for denying someone of their rights to be free. I don't hate religion, but I hate that it used to deny gays the right to marry and women the right to choose. Your religion is not my religion, and don't tread on me. Unfortunately our government is influenced by Christian morals. Not that all Christian morals are wrong, I believe is most myself. What is wrong is the arrogant belief that Christianity will always be in power here. We can easily live in a society governed by another set of beliefs, and would you want to be forced to live by their creed. Probably not. Some republicans wear their religion on their sleeve. They should keep their religion at home, where it belongs.

Racism is our dirty little secret. Just because we have a black president, doesn't mean we have risen above as a society. There are some republicans that are republicans because it is the white man's party. Granted it works both ways, but there are a lot of people that function and make decisions based on superficial beliefs, like race. I believe that these people tend to be on the right, rather than the left, therefore are republicans. But they would never say it out loud... at least not to people who they are not related to.

The Murder of Dr. Tiller
Rant start: 4 doctors murdered by Pro-Life radicals. 0 Pro-Life radicals murdered by Pro-Choice movement. Who is really pro-life? The pro-life movement has officially come out as against this crime. They say they support non-violent protests only. But have you ever seen a pro-life rally or protest. Screaming at people entering clinics, threatening staff, displaying gross and in-accurant images of fetuses. Related to my above rant about religion and its use to deny women the right to choose what should happen to their own bodies, it is a shame that someone can be murdered in cold blood and people dismiss the act because their belief that "he had blood on his hands." Shameful. No one is pro-abortion. Women who have to make a decision about abortion, especially late-term abortion, are not making their decision lightly. Dr. Tiller supported women who were faced with a decision no one should be faced with. Their lives or the life of their unborn child. Until someone walks in their shoes how dare they judge her or the doctor they use.

Gay Marriage: Stupid California
Rant start: Recently social media and media has been buzzing about the Supreme Court in CA uploading the Proposition 8 decision. Well duh. The citizens should be able to vote and make changes to the constitution. The unfortunate part is that CA citizens voted YES to Prop 8 to begin with. Again religion getting in the way of basic human rights. But shame on CA with their divorce rate for straight marriages being the highest in the country talking about "family values" and the importance of keeping marriage as it traditionally should be. Marriage in terms of government and law is nothing more than a civil contract between two people. You shouldn't be denied the right to go into a contract with another human being based on race, religion, gender, social status, nationally, etc. Gay marriage is not a gay issue, it is a human rights issues. Get with the program California and the rest of the country.

Rant end.


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