Secretly Unstable

I have been told I am crazy, funny, a good cook, and a decent blogger. These are the expectations I am trying to live up to. Thank you.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I am in a very bad mood.

Recent weeks at work have been more frustrating than usual. See my actual job is easy, and could be fun at times. What makes it frustrating is dealing with people. As with everything that involves social interaction you have to deal with all kinds, smart, dumb, petty, generous, fun, dull, mean, nice, crazy, and average people. Right now I am dealing with a mix of all of the above, but that isn't anything new. The type of people who are putting me in a bad mood are the judgemental people.

Let me explain. Before I had a baby I put in at least 10 hour days in the office. Sometimes it was warranted, I would be working non-stop. Sometimes I took my time, cause I had the time. Sometimes it was a combination of both. Whatever the case people love it in advertising when you work 10+ hours a day, even if you are inefficient and lousy at your job. It makes the "bossmen" feel good that there is a warm body in the office at 7PM, regardless if it is necessary. But as with everything in my life post-baby I can't work 10 hours a day. I have to leave at 5:30. And I can only come in so early since baby needs tending to in the morning. So where does this leave me?

It leaves me by the elevator at 5:30PM freaking out about possible train delays and thinking that I am leaving the office without getting everything done. Oh, and it leaves me getting the evil eye from all of the people that are working past 5:30. To be honest I probably gave the evil eye a couple of times to someone who was leaving at 5:30. So maybe it is karma. But let me make one thing clear... Being at work is EASIER than being home. Being at work is EASIER than running to the subway and freaking out that train delays are going to cost you $10 extra to the nanny. Being at work is EASIER than dealing with a cranky baby that is hungry, tired, and wet.

Yes, I enjoy my time with Ruby, and I would rather be home than with the people I work with. But while they "work" (aka Facebook) until 7PM, they get to go home, smoke pot, and watch reruns of Law & Order. While I get to rush home at 5:30 and BUST MY ASS taking care of business at home until 9PM, clean, prepare for the next day, move my cars in Parking Wars on Facebook and go to bed at 10PM, only to be woken up by baby at 12, 3, 5, and alarm at 6:30AM.

Sure, no one told me to have a baby. Even though it sounds like I am complaining about taking care of Ruby, I am not. I do what I got to do. Ruby is also a hella of a good time. I am complaining about the judgemental co-worker who doesn't get that I need to go home at 5:30. I am complaining about the co-worker who thinks I am "lucky." I am complaining about the co-worker that doesn't get that just like I had the choice to have a baby and stress myself out, they are making the choice to stay late every night. That's right I said it! In the end it is each individual that chooses to put in the 50+ hour work week. You are choosing to be a "hitter." To get the promotion. To be the hero. To be the person that makes the bossman happy. I get that I made the choice to not be that person anymore. I understand that my raise will probably be less. That I won't get picked first to work on the sexy piece of business. That I won't get a promotion as quickly as I would pre-baby. I get that. I even think it is fair, cause that is the way the game is played.

At the end of the day I am happy with my choice. And the judgemental co-worker needs to come to terms with their choice.